“Song of the Aurora” is a science fiction novel. The story revolves around the “light-chasing journey” of two protagonists: Chinese climate physicist Chen Xian and Finnish aurora chaser Tovo. In the cold Nordic polar regions, the misty aurora seems to be conveying some mysterious “sound of the aurora”; in the deep night sky, special radio wave signals seem to contain some indescribable information and laws. The fate of separation and reunion, the conflict between faith and pursuit; the mystery of paleontology and Pangu continent, the entanglement of ancient rivers in history and scientific philosophy; when various propositions collide and intersect, the symphony of time and life is played again, and the bell of the connection between humans and the universe rings again… “Song of the Aurora” integrates scientific research, cosmic mysteries and human persistence, reflecting the tenacity and courage of human beings in the face of unknown challenges, and the unremitting persistence in scientific exploration and pursuit of the truth; it also deeply explores the endless curiosity and pursuit of human beings for the unknown world, and the eternal theme of finding the meaning of life in the vast universe.